Monday, May 2, 2016

Why Counting Cormorants?

Why Counting Cormorants?

Because I'm a birdo, aren't I? And that's what we do, don't we? We count those feathered things. Especially the ones we haven't seen on our patch before. Most especially the ones we've never seen anywhere before. Then we get excited. Very excited.

I'd seen Little Black Cormorants before. I'd seen them up and down The Cooks River before. But a Cormorant conga line on a rubbish boom? I hadn't seen that before. So I got excited. And then I counted them. And there were thirty-three. Easy to remember. It's the speed of an LP record (forget the third). So I could walk back home thinking Closer or Before And After Science or The Stone Roses or.......
Easy. See?
Think: Beard Of Stars

One Egret. One Ibis. Still counting.

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